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Visitors 24147
Modified 4-Jan-18
Created 5-Sep-11
99 photos

Just few of my favorite images. Please, use a full screen and click the image, to see them as large as possible!

3 day old Moon

3 day old Moon

Half a Moon with Earth shine

Half a Moon with Earth shine

Half a Moon, with a 3D-twist

Half a Moon, with a 3D-twist

Half a Moon, with a 3D-twist

Half a Moon, with a 3D-twist

Sharpless 119

Sharpless 119

WR 134

WR 134

Sharpless 140

Sharpless 140

The Great Wall of Cygnus

The Great Wall of Cygnus

Pelican Nebula

Pelican Nebula

The Great Galaxy of Andromeda, Messier 31

The Great Galaxy of Andromeda, Messier 31

Filaments of Cygnus

Filaments of Cygnus

Brights Nebulae of the Central Cygnus

Brights Nebulae of the Central Cygnus

Nebulae of the Central Cygnus

Nebulae of the Central Cygnus

Nebulae of the Central Cygnus

Nebulae of the Central Cygnus

The Sky on Fire

The Sky on Fire

Eastern Veil Nebula detail

Eastern Veil Nebula detail

Eastern Veil Nebula

Eastern Veil Nebula

Sharpless 114, Sh2-114

Sharpless 114, Sh2-114

Elephant's Trunk Nebula, IC 1396

Elephant's Trunk Nebula, IC 1396

Pickering's Triangle

Pickering's Triangle

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Night Sky
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Guestbook for Some of my best shots BUY PRINTS
Amir Nawabi(non-registered)
Absolutely amazing and beautiful heavenly images!
Clear examples of the miracles of creation. A true masterpiece! Every image is mesmerizing and moving. I’d like to purchase all of them if I could. I hope there is or will be a book with all the images you have captured. It’s very difficult to choose the ones to purchase but I will do my best to pick 10 from the group of your favorites. Thank you for your efforts and for sharing this exceptional art. Please keep the web site up long enough for us to see everything and decide on what to purchase and to share your art with as many as possible for as long as possible. Congratulations on such a wonderful achievement!
Michael T McAlevey(non-registered)
Curious about work and how you coordinate with NASA and Hubble
These are THE most strikingly beautiful images that I have ever seen. An artist for sure.
These are really amazing!
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