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Visitors 2935
Modified 25-Nov-12
Created 25-Dec-09
99 photos

Witch's Broom Nebula, NGC 6960

Witch's Broom Nebula, NGC 6960

Pickering's Triangle

Pickering's Triangle

Pickering's Triangle

Pickering's Triangle

IC 1340, Veil Nebula closeup

IC 1340, Veil Nebula closeup

IC 1340, Veil Nebula closeup

IC 1340, Veil Nebula closeup

IC 410

IC 410

IC 410

IC 410

Two panels of Cygnus Mosaic

Two panels of Cygnus Mosaic

One panel from Cygnus Mosaic

One panel from Cygnus Mosaic

NGC 7000

NGC 7000

NGC 7000, a closeup

NGC 7000, a closeup

"Cirrus of Cygnus"

"Cirrus of Cygnus"

IC 405 and 410

IC 405 and 410

Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant

Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant

Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant

Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant

DWB 111, the Propeller Nebula

DWB 111, the Propeller Nebula

DWB 111, the Propeller Nebula

DWB 111, the Propeller Nebula





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