Galleries 4
Collections 0
Groups 0
Created 29-Nov-09
Modified 22-Mar-21
Stereo images works very well as a Printed copys!
You can buy Photographic prints from Images in any 3D-gallery.
Smaller sizes are suitable for the Parallel and Cross vision images, due the viewing method used.

In my Blog, I have animated 3D-images, if you'll have troubles to see any other 3D-format, please, have a look here:

Stereo Pairs, Parallel Vision

Visitors 13434
422 photos
Created 22-Mar-21
Modified 22-Mar-21
Stereo Pairs, Parallel Vision

Stereo Pairs, Cross Vision

Visitors 11073
246 photos
Created 22-Mar-21
Modified 22-Mar-21
Stereo Pairs, Cross Vision

Anaglyph Stereo, Red/Cyan Glasses

Visitors 7643
269 photos
Created 25-Jan-24
Modified 25-Jan-24
Anaglyph Stereo, Red/Cyan Glasses

Anaglyph 3D-videos

Visitors 1905
20 videos
Created 25-Jan-24
Modified 25-Jan-24

Stereo Cards

Visitors 147
0 photos
Created 22-Mar-21
Modified 22-Mar-21

3D-movies, (none stereograph)

Visitors 7829
36 videos
Created 22-Mar-21
Modified 22-Mar-21

Guestbook for Volumetric 3D images BUY PRINTS
One 'absorbs' more than 'sees' the images. # 11 - The Hummingbird. amaste
J-P Metsavainio
Thanks Pete!

You really should buy yourself a pair of Red/Cyan anaglyph 3D eyeglasses!
No more headache. Just google them down, they cost next to nothing ~1$ or so.
Great work! (even though I now have a headache from crossing my eyes so much:) ) Thanks for sharing.
James Woollatt(non-registered)
Great work!
I do not have enough words to express my admiration!
The guestbook is empty.