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Visitors 60356
Modified 16-Dec-24
Created 29-Nov-09
594 photos

Images are in two palettes. The yellow/Blue images are in HST-palette (colors are organized by order of the elements.) More or less Red images are in "natural colors" (colors are organized by a visual spectrum)
A small study about the colors used in my images can be found here:

Please, use a full screen and click the image, to see them as large as possible! Slide show button at upper Right corner.

Sharpless 155 mapped color scheme

Sharpless 155 mapped color scheme

Sharpless 115 visual colors

Sharpless 115 visual colors

Wizard Nebula in mapped colors

Wizard Nebula in mapped colors

Wizard Nebula in visual colors

Wizard Nebula in visual colors

Tulip Nebula and a Black Hole Cygnus X-1

Tulip Nebula and a Black Hole Cygnus X-1

Tulip Nebula and a Black Hole Cygnus X-1

Tulip Nebula and a Black Hole Cygnus X-1

Metusellah Nebula in a light of an ionized oxygen (O-III) only

Metusellah Nebula in a light of an ionized oxygen (O-III) only



Rising Phoenix, WR 134

Rising Phoenix, WR 134

Rising Phoenix, WR 134

Rising Phoenix, WR 134

Pelican nebula

Pelican nebula

Sharpless 114 is now renamed to UKRAINIAN IRONBELLY

Sharpless 114 is now renamed to UKRAINIAN IRONBELLY

Constellation Cygnus, NEW large version.

Constellation Cygnus, NEW large version.

Veil Nebula SNR

Veil Nebula SNR

Pickering's Triangle

Pickering's Triangle

Pickering's Triangle

Pickering's Triangle

Veil Nebula SNR

Veil Nebula SNR

Pickering's Triangle

Pickering's Triangle

Witch Broom nebula

Witch Broom nebula

Jones-Emberson 1

Jones-Emberson 1

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Night Sky
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:star, 3d nebula, APOD, APOS, Canon, H-apha, HST, Hubble palette, NGC 4565, NGC 6995, O-III, S-II, Stereoscopic, Stereoscopic images, anaglyph, andromeda, astro, astro photo, astro photo, astro photographing, astrocam, astrocamera, astrokamera, astrokuvaaja, astrology, astronomia, astronomy, astronomy picture of the day, astrophotography, atheist, autoguide, avaruus, bias, bubble nebula, bull, calibration, california, canon lens, cat, cats, ccdstack, closeup, cluster, constellation, constellation, constellations, cooled, cooled, crater, crescent, crescent moon, crescent nebula, cross vision, darks, deep, deep, deep image, deep sky, dumbell nebula, earth shine, elephants trunk, f1.8 200mm, f2.8 200mm, f2.8 300mm, filament, filaments, finnish, finnish, flats, focal lenght, galaxy, galaxy, globular, god, guider, harsosumu, hearth, heaven, heavenly, heavenly bodies, heven, hubble, hydrogen alpha, hydrogen beta, ic 1848, ic 5070, ic 5070, ic1848, ic5070, image of stars, images, ionisaatio, ionization, is, j-p metsävainio, kaasusumu, kaasusumu, kaukoputki, lodestar, long exposure, lpod, lunar picture of the day, m13, m27, maximdl, meade LX200, messier, metsavainio, metsävainio, narrowband, narrowband color, nasa, nebula, nebula, nebulosity, new moon, night, night, night sky, no, north america, of, of, oulu, parallel vision, phd-guider, planetary, planetary nebula, qhy5, qhy8, qhy9, registax, religion, sh2, sh2-101, sh2-240, shit, simeis 147, sky, sky and telescope, soul nebula, space, space, space, spatial, stacking, stereo images, stereogram, sun, suomalainen, suomi, super star, supernova, supernova remnant, sxv-ao, sydänsumu, taivas, telescope, teleskooppi, terminator, there, three dimensional, trek, tähdet, tähtikuvaaja, tähtikuvaus, tähtitiede, up, webcam, wide field

Guestbook for All of my color photos BUY PRINTS
Robert Harvey
Looking out on the night sky will be forevermore a totally new experience for me Thanks to your work.
Danielle Ryan, Wyoming, USA(non-registered)
These photos are just gorgeous, great work!!
Sandy Hale, USA(non-registered)
Your work is incredibly beautiful. Thank you so much.
Todella hienoja kuvia
J-P Metsavainio
Thank you Adam!
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