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Visitors 19756
Modified 8-Sep-21
Created 19-Nov-09
47 photos

More information about my imaging system can be found from my Blog:

Me and Meade, both fork mounted.

Me and Meade, both fork mounted.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Night Sky
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:H-apha, Hubble palette, TCF-s, active optics, adaptive optics, astro, astro equipment, astro photo, astro photographing, astronomia, astronomy, avaruus, camera lens for astro imaging, focuser, focusing, galaxy, heven, hubble, kaasusumu, kaukoputki, light box, narrowband, national geographics, nebula, night, observatory, sky, sky & telescope, space, sun, taivas, telescope, teleskooppi, tähdet, tähtikuvaus, tähtitiede