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Uploaded 17-Sep-11
Taken 17-Sep-11
Visitors 5583

Half a Moon, with a 3D-twist

Actually you can't see the Moon from Earth at this angle!
Images are done by re projecting the moon image to a sphere made by a 3D-software. After that you can select any new viewpoint to a Moon, as long as the point of interest stays on the visible side of the Moon. It's kind of having a private Moon orbiter.
I like this method, since the actual image data stays practically untouched, it just get seen from an other angle.
I developed this technique back in 2005. At the time it gets published by the "Sky & Telescope" magazine.
(J-P Metsävainio, A New Way of Looking at the Moon. Sky & Telescope, Jan 2005, p 142-146.)

Half a Moon, with a 3D-twist

Half a Moon, with a 3D-twist

Actually you can't see the Moon from Earth at this angle!
Images are done by re projecting the moon image to a sphere made by a 3D-software. After that you can select any new viewpoint to a Moon, as long as the point of interest stays on the visible side of the Moon. It's kind of having a private Moon orbiter.
I like this method, since the actual image data stays practically untouched, it just get seen from an other angle.
I developed this technique back in 2005. At the time it gets published by the "Sky & Telescope" magazine.
(J-P Metsävainio, A New Way of Looking at the Moon. Sky & Telescope, Jan 2005, p 142-146.)