IC 405, Sh2-229 or Caldwell 31 also known as the "Flaming Star Nebula".
IC 405 locates in constellation Auriga and it's an emission/reflection nebula. Refelction component can't be seen in my image, since I'm shooting only narrowband data and reflection part is broadband target.
Distance from Oulu, Finland, is about 1500 light years. Nebula is about 5 light years across.
Total exposure time is about 12h
Technical details:
Processing work flow:
Image acquisition, MaxiDL v5.07.
Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack.
Deconvolution with a CCDSharp, 30 iterations, 50% mix..
Levels, curves and color combine in PS CS3.
Telescope, Meade LX200 GPS 12" @ f5
Camera, QHY9 Guiding, SXV-AO @ 4,5Hz
Image Scale, 0,75 arcseconds/pixel
Baader H-alpha 7nm 17x1200s, binned 2x2
Baader O-III 8,5 nm 9x1200s, binned 2x2 and 9x1200s, binned 3x3
S-II channel is borrowed from an older (2008) wide field image, image can be seen here: