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Uploaded 18-Nov-09
Taken 2-Apr-09
Visitors 908

The Veil Nebula

An experimental Movie about the Veil:

Imaging data:
Camera, QHY8 - Filters, Baader 7nm H-alpha and Baader 8,5nm O-III - Optics, Tokina AT-X 300mm @ f2.8 - Exposures, 7X 1200s H-alpha 8 X 1200 O-III 3X1200s SII+ flats and bias - Guiding, LX200 GPS 12" + PHD-guiding and Lodestar

The Veil Nebula

The Veil Nebula

An experimental Movie about the Veil:

Imaging data:
Camera, QHY8 - Filters, Baader 7nm H-alpha and Baader 8,5nm O-III - Optics, Tokina AT-X 300mm @ f2.8 - Exposures, 7X 1200s H-alpha 8 X 1200 O-III 3X1200s SII+ flats and bias - Guiding, LX200 GPS 12" + PHD-guiding and Lodestar