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Visitors 11138
Modified 22-Mar-21
Created 18-Nov-09
246 photos

This is a personal vision about forms and shapes, based on some known facts and artistic impression.

In cross eye freeviewing the image for the left eye is on the right and the image for the right eye is on the left. You stare at a point about 1/2 way to the screen so that your eye's gaze is crossing at the half way point. Thus the left eye sees the correct image which is on the right. As you cross your eyes the image will go double. When your eyes are crossed the correct amount the middle images will overlap and be in 3d. The two outer images will remain and will be in 2d.

A step by step Tutorial for 2D to 3D conversion can be found here:

Please, use a full screen and click the image, to see them as large as possible!



NGC 1499, the California Nebula

NGC 1499, the California Nebula

IC 405, the Flaming Star Nebula (Sh2-229)

IC 405, the Flaming Star Nebula (Sh2-229)



M27, the "Dumbbell Nebula"

M27, the "Dumbbell Nebula"

Tulip Nebula, Sharpless 101

Tulip Nebula, Sharpless 101

Sharpless 115

Sharpless 115

Jones-Emberson 1

Jones-Emberson 1

IC 1340, Veil Nebula closeup

IC 1340, Veil Nebula closeup

Bubble nebula

Bubble nebula

NGC 6888, the "Crescent Nebula"

NGC 6888, the "Crescent Nebula"

Ring Nebula

Ring Nebula

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory:Night Sky
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:3d astro, 3d astronomy, H-apha, Hubble palette, astro, astro photo, astro photographing, astronomia, astronomy, avaruus, galaxy, heven, hubble, kaasusumu, kaukoputki, narrowband, national geographics, nebula, night, sky, sky & telescope, space, stereo pair, stereogram, sun, taivas, telescope, teleskooppi, three dimensional nebula, tähdet, tähtikuvaus, tähtitiede

Guestbook for Stereo Pairs, Cross Vision
Arthur Manning - Iowa, USA(non-registered)
These are beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing your hard work!
How you stretch out the parallax just right is very skillful, and the colors make it so much better!
Stunningly beautiful work! Someone posted your work on my FB group, "Magic Window X3D"
I would love to know what program(s) you're using. Photoshop? SPM? Depth Maps? Just fantastic!
Jon Horridge
Hi, really enjoying viewing these stereos. I'm not sure, though, how to view full screen. PS my wife is from Koivumaa, Pirkko Kenttalehto.
cawat basah(non-registered)
nice info
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