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NGC 6543, the "Cat's Eye Nebula"

Image is in HST-palette, (HST=Hubble Space Telescope)

from the emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen.

Star colors are mixed from the NB channels, Red=H-a, G=O-III and B= 85%O-III + 15%H-a.

In this image the rarely imaged outer shell is visible. This was very difficult to process, due the massive brightness difference between the core and the outer parts.

The Cat's Eye Nebula, NGC 6543, Cladwell 6, is a planetary nebula in constellation Drago. Distance is about 3300 light years.

More information in Wikipedia:'s_Eye_Nebula

Image is shot with a QHY9 and the Meade LX200 GPS 12" @ f5, pixel scale 0.75pixels/arc second.

NGC 6543, the "Cat's Eye Nebula"

NGC 6543, the "Cat's Eye Nebula"

Image is in HST-palette, (HST=Hubble Space Telescope)

from the emission of ionized elements, R=Sulfur, G=Hydrogen and B=Oxygen.

Star colors are mixed from the NB channels, Red=H-a, G=O-III and B= 85%O-III + 15%H-a.

In this image the rarely imaged outer shell is visible. This was very difficult to process, due the massive brightness difference between the core and the outer parts.

The Cat's Eye Nebula, NGC 6543, Cladwell 6, is a planetary nebula in constellation Drago. Distance is about 3300 light years.

More information in Wikipedia:'s_Eye_Nebula

Image is shot with a QHY9 and the Meade LX200 GPS 12" @ f5, pixel scale 0.75pixels/arc second.