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Bubble Nebula, NGC 7635, Sharpless 162

A still motion movie:

Image is in a HST-colors, combined from the Narrowband channels. (HST = Hubble Space Telescope)

More information of this object:

Processing work flow:

Image acquisition, MaxiDL v5.07.

Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack.

Deconvolution with a CCDSharp, 30 iterations.

Levels, curves and color combine in PS CS3. -

Imaeged in three nights between 27.09 - 04-09 2009, seeing varys between 4-2,5 FWHM -

Telescope, Meade LX200 GPS 12" @ f4.65 Camera, QHY9 Guiding, SXV-AO @ 11Hz


H-alpha 21x1200s Binned 1x1 = 7h

S-II 10x600s Binned 3x3

O-III 5x600s Binned 3x3

Bubble Nebula, NGC 7635, Sharpless 162

Bubble Nebula, NGC 7635, Sharpless 162

A still motion movie:

Image is in a HST-colors, combined from the Narrowband channels. (HST = Hubble Space Telescope)

More information of this object:

Processing work flow:

Image acquisition, MaxiDL v5.07.

Stacked and calibrated in CCDStack.

Deconvolution with a CCDSharp, 30 iterations.

Levels, curves and color combine in PS CS3. -

Imaeged in three nights between 27.09 - 04-09 2009, seeing varys between 4-2,5 FWHM -

Telescope, Meade LX200 GPS 12" @ f4.65 Camera, QHY9 Guiding, SXV-AO @ 11Hz


H-alpha 21x1200s Binned 1x1 = 7h

S-II 10x600s Binned 3x3

O-III 5x600s Binned 3x3